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MVLA High School Foundation 2020-21

Our President

If someone had told me in March of 2020 that my child would not be attending school in person for the next 12 months, I would not have believed them. If that same person explained that school would be over Zoom, I would have been incredulous. It’s remarkable how technology can make the seemingly impossible, possible. The flexibility and resilience that our children showed throughout the pandemic is inspiring. I will forever be amazed at how our children persevered under enormous stress, how the school district quickly adopted new technologies, and the teachers did their best to provide an excellent education to our children during a global pandemic. To say that it was challenging is clearly an understatement, but we made it through.  


Rebecca Lowell

Home: Pres Message
Home: Financials
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Thank You

Thank you to the families, community members, realtors, and alumni for getting us to our goal of





It was a year like no other, and we worked together to create the best educational experience possible.

Home: What we fund

Our Grant

The Mountain View-Los Altos High School Foundation invests in a learning environment that empowers all students to thrive and succeed.


Smaller class sizes for freshman English and math to allow for more teacher attention to the individualized needs of the student.

Smaller class sizes for freshman English and math though Algebra 2 allow for more teacher attention to the individualized needs of the student.


All students have the option to check out a Chromebook when checking out their textbooks or anytime during the school year.


Class Size Reduction

Free one-on-one academic assistance to students needing occasional or year-long extra help in a variety of subject areas.

Class Size Reduction


Tutorial Center

Innovative Learning Grants program to provide funding to teachers to explore ways to foster innovation in the classroom.

Learn more

Innovative Learning Grants


Funds an additional licensed CHAC Therapist at each school to help students thrive during the challenges of their high school years.

Student Wellness


Provides resources and counseling to students and their parents regarding summer programs, gap years, job and career options, college search, admissions, financial aid and scholarships.

College & Career Center

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Access to the Naviance Family Connection for students, parents and counselors. Provides online information and tools for aptitude assessment and and streamlines college searches/applications.

Naviance Connection


In addition to our annual grant, in 2020-21 the Foundation funded AVID Digital Learning professional development and summer College and Career Center webinars and appointments.

Special Grants

Home: Donors

Our Supporters

Leadership Circle

District Families

Community & Alumni

Honor Roll of Realty

Thank You for a Record Corporate Matching Year!​


Many companies have a matching program, so please help us by checking with your human resource department. If you have any questions about the matching process, please email us


Our Tributes

Tribute gifts are a way to honor an inspirational teacher or staff member. These special people are recognized with a special note and certificate as well as being acknowledged here.

The tools and kits definitely helped me with the hands-on aspects of the class. I liked how we used the dial calipers and all the materials sent home in the various projects.



- Engineering Student on Innovative Learning Grant 




These volunteers donate their time and expertise to help provide excellent public schools for all students in their community.


The Foundation depends on volunteers to keep fundraising costs low.



We could not have done it without you! Each and every donation is valued and appreciated.

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