Please forgive any errors or omissions. Send corrections to info@mvlafoundation.org
Thank You!
Community Supporters
Corporations and Local Businesses
Quattrocchi Kwok Architects
Foundations & Service Organizations
Kiwanis Club of Los Altos
Melvin and Geraldine Hoven Foundation
Mountain View High School PTSA​
Service Providers
We extend our sincere appreciation and recognition to those who have discounted their services or made in-kind donations:
i2i Interactive​
Jennifer Townhill Photography
Los Altos Town Crier
Mountain View Voice
Prodigy Press
Salesforce Foundation
Community & Alumni $1,000 and above
Lisa and David Auerbach
Linda and Alan Cyron
Rachel and Hugh Dickins
Susan and Ken Greathouse
Judy Hannemann
Dede and Michael Huffman
Dan Kelly
Debbie and Douglas Kundrat
Leah and Roy Lambertson
Susie and Neal Mielke
Bambi Cask and Steve Patterson
Judith Fan and Robert Reay
Wynne and Raymond Satterwhite
Indu and CK Singla
Theresa and James Tringali
Catherine Vonnegut and Gary Winiger
Margaret Steen and David Webster
Feng Zhou
Community & Alumni
Up to $999
Judy and Jay Audett
Hongtao Bai
Kristine and Erik Bardman
Amy and Kern Beare
Ann and Sandy Benett
Laura and David Blakely
Kathleen and Serge Bonte
Virginia and Christopher Brey
Marcia and Andy Chmyz
Dennis Clark
Audrey and Matt Crowley
Patty Einarson and Matt Cuson
Sheila and Phil Faillace
Elizabeth Gardner and Jay Gill
Andrea Gorman
Sue and Kim Graham
Barry Groves
Shobana and Yogesh Gubbi
Jeff Gu
Olivia and Daniel Haley​
Patricia and Gary Hedden
Julia and Tim Heidmann
Anne and Jerry Infeld
Laurel and Robert Iverson
Connie and Matthew Ives
Laura Roberts and Bob Jones
Lisa and Ross Katchman
Sarita and Deepak Khuntia
Stephanie King
Jill and Richard Klein
Erica and Joe Mitchner
Joanne Mungall
Nancy and Andrew Nichols
Susan and Bruce Norton
Marci Teresi and Dave Perrino
Keith Pflederer
Janine Wulfsohn and Lee Rubin
Julia Singer
Mildred and John Squire
Lynn Waelde and Ashok Srivastava
Katherine and Andrew Stephens
Emily Thurber
Debbie and Ray Torok
Stephanie and Andrew Towell
Adrienne and Neil Tuch
Fiona and Todd Walter
Caryn and Ben Wiseman
Tami and Dave Yanaga
Judy Tsai and Shili Yih