A Letter From
MVLA Foundation President, Rebecca Lowell
The wave of innovation in education unleashed by the pandemic will continue to benefit students.
If someone had told me in March of 2020 that my child would not be attending school in person for the next 12 months, I would not have believed them. If that same person explained that school would be over Zoom, I would have been incredulous. It’s remarkable how technology can make the seemingly impossible, possible. The flexibility and resilience that our children showed throughout the pandemic is inspiring. I will forever be amazed at how our children persevered under enormous stress, how the school district quickly adopted new technologies, and the teachers did their best to provide an excellent education to our children during a global pandemic. To say that it was challenging is clearly an understatement, but we made it through.
At the MVLA High School Foundation, we were able to quickly change our normal operations and rethink how to engage with our stakeholders. The generosity of our community enabled us to fully fund our $2.091M grant to the District.
As the 2021-22 school year begins, school will undoubtedly be different as we come out of crisis mode. There will continue to be Covid-related safety rules. For our families who chose to stay home, there are now permanent virtual learning options. There is also a renewed focus on creating equitable learning opportunities, which were magnified during distance learning.
The wave of innovation in education unleashed by the pandemic will continue to benefit students. The Foundation will continue to empower our teachers to use innovative teaching strategies and create a community where our students can thrive and succeed.
We are appreciative of the continued support from so many of our district parents, community members, staff, corporate donors, and Honor Roll of Realty members. Your investment in educational excellence and commitment to the success of the MVLA Foundation programs during the 2020-21 school year is greatly appreciated.
With gratitude,
Rebecca Lowell & the MVLA High School Foundation Board